Evaluation of Improved Durum Wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) Varieties in North Shewa Oromia
Geleta Negash *
Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO), Ethiopia.
Zewdu Tegenu
Fitche Agricultural Research Center (FiARC), Fitche, Ethiopia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Evaluating durum wheat varieties in various conditions is crucial in determining their stability performance and adaptability. In this study, 10 durum wheat varieties were evaluated in four sites to examine genotype-environment (G E) interactions and their effect on yield stability across varied environments. A field experiment was conducted at the four stations of Fitche Agricultural research center for two consecutive years. The experiment was layout in Randomized Completed Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Nine agronomic and yield-related trait data were evaluated and analyzed. The pooled over- locations analysis result indicated that significant differences among tested varieties for most traits including grain yield were observed. The maximum grain yield was recorded from Gerardo variety with mean of 2156.2kgha-1 where as the minimum was recorded from Tesfaye variety. The results of the GGE biplot revealed that the variety "Gerardo" is stable across the testing locations since it is situated inside the concentric circle. In order to enhance the production of durum wheat in Northern Oromia other similar ecologies, the Gerardo variety was found to be the most stable and productive variety.
Keywords: Durum wheat, yield, adaptability