Evaluation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties for Growth and Yield Components at Bekoji South Eastern Part of Ethiopia

Dasta Tsagaye *

Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Potato Research Program, P.O. Box 489, Assella, Ethiopia.

Nimona Fufa

Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Potato Research Program, P.O. Box 489, Assella, Ethiopia.

Demis Fikre

Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Potato Research Program, P.O. Box 489, Assella, Ethiopia.

Gizaw Wegayehu

Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Potato Research Program, P.O. Box 489, Assella, Ethiopia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Potato is one of the most important and strategic crops, which enhance food security and economic benefits to the world and countries such as Ethiopia. Ethiopia has suitable conditions for the production of potatoes. A field experiment was conducted in the South Eastern highlands of Ethiopia to evaluate the performance of potato varieties for tuber yield and yield related traits and to select best-performed variety in yield and yield related traits. The experiment was laid out in an alpha lattice design with two replications during 2019 main cropping season at Bekoji sub-station of Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center. The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed the presence of highly significant (P<0.01) differences among varieties over all traits studied. The variety Gera produced the maximum total tuber yield of 51.1 t ha-1 and a marketable tuber yield of 50 t ha-1. Conversely, Moti produced the minimum total tuber yield of 14 t ha-1 and marketable tuber yield of 11.6 t ha-1. For most tuber quality traits, viz., tuber specific gravity and dry matter content, varieties Moti and Belete were the maximum producers, respectively. Thus, it could be concluded that from the current study the best performed variety will be used to increase yield of potato by demonstration of variety in the study area.

Keywords: Agronomic traits, growth traits, potato, released varieties

How to Cite

Tsagaye, D., Fufa, N., Fikre, D., & Wegayehu, G. (2025). Evaluation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties for Growth and Yield Components at Bekoji South Eastern Part of Ethiopia. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences, 8(1), 90–98. https://doi.org/10.56557/ajaas/2025/v8i155


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